Discoverers / Voyagers Archive
Week Commencing 2nd October
Posted: Oct 10, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Discoverers & Voyagers.
This week, we have been exploring our WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks like) about a journey story. We have been looking at figurative language such as similes and metaphors to develop our character descriptions.
In Maths, we have been practising different written methods for addition and will now be moving on to subtraction. We have used a number line, partitioning and column method.
In topic, Discoverers have been developing shading techniques in art which we then used to draw a deadly animal. Voyagers have been learning about food chains and food webs while learning about deadly animals.
Year 3 have continued to make progress in their violin lessons with Kip and are showing great enthusiasm in these sessions!