Pioneers / Inventors Archive
9th - 13th January
Posted: Feb 17, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.
This week was another busy one for the Inventors and Pioneers. Our week started off with negative numbers and using number lines and other methods to order and answer questions that involved negative numbers. We then moved onto answering multi-step problems about measurement which made the pupils think about how to break down questions and ensure they are answering the question in full.
Literacy saw both classes using their newspaper article homework to discuss the features of newspaper articles and what good articles should include. The pupils also got to choose a world record that they could write about when they write their own article. Make sure you ask the children what their record is about!
We have begun creating our own comic strips as part of our computing lessons which will also involve some French as we continue to develop them. The children's comics are already looking great - we can see some very creative work!
For science we had the opportunity to investigate rocks by conducting an experiment and recording the results. You'll be able to see some photos above.
Our buddies have continued to read with their buddy in the Explorers and also accompany them to singing assembly on Thursdays. The children really enjoy this opportunity and it's great to see the relationship they're building with their buddy.
We are looking forward to another great week in the Pioneers & Inventors!