Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  2. Pioneers / Inventors Archive

Pioneers / Inventors Archive



23rd - 27th January

Posted: Feb 17, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.

The Year 5 children were excited to attend a handball festival at TCS earlier this week. Mrs Rawlins led the trip which included a variety of games to support the children in developing their handball skills. Upon returning back to school, some of the year 5 children shared their experience with the rest of the class and are looking forward to leading some activities in PE for their classmates in the upcoming week. Well done to all the year 5 children for representing our school so wonderfully and to all parents, teachers and carers for supporting this event.

Handball wasn't the only highlight this week. In maths, we started our learning about fractions.  We have been learning how to simplify, compare, order and find equivalent fractions. Some children have been challenging their thinking by solving some complex problems involving fractions. We will be continuing this week in week 5.

In literacy we completed our final versions of our newspaper articles and the children had an opportunity to share their articles with their friends in both classes. This was a great way of celebrating the children's hard work on this piece of writing. We have now started learning about our new focus text, The Chronicles of Harris Burdick and the children are certainly looking forward to writing some of their own fiction stories. 

Our topic lessons saw the Inventors and Pioneers use caves (desks covered in tablecloths) as their shelters while other children in their group had to 'hunt' for information about either the Stone or Bronze Age. This was another fun and practical way of learning more about these important periods of British history.


In Computing both classes finished their French comic strips which have now been printed into class books so that we can share them with visitors. The pupils are certainly looking forward to their next project - movie making!