Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  2. Pioneers / Inventors Archive

Pioneers / Inventors Archive



6th - 10th March

Posted: Mar 12, 2017 by: Teachers (BishopTeachers) on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.

It's been a busy week in the Pioneers and Inventors once again.

Maths saw the pupils work on geometric reasoning which included investigations about translation, coordinates and similar shapes. We also completed an arithmetic assessment to discover what impact our morning arithmetic sessions are having on the children and which also has allowed us to identify who needs more support in this area.

Our literacy and SPAG sessions included learning about conjunctive adverbs and punctuation for parenthesis and how these tools who improve our writing. We also further discussed the positives and negatives of primary schools having detentions, which is in preparation for our balanced argument writing.

In science we further investigated human evolution. To gain a small sense of what hands would have been like millions of years ago, we taped the pupils' thumbs to the rest of their hands. This proved to be difficult when trying to tie up shoelaces and write our names neatly!

In our topic lessons, we have been busy being creative. The children have been learning a song about the Viking invasion at Lindisfarne and are looking forward to performing it to parents and friends at our curriculum celebration. We have also been working on some art where we are writing our names in Viking or Anglo-Saxon runes. They look great!