Pioneers / Inventors Archive
24th - 28th April
Posted: Apr 30, 2017 by: Teachers (BishopTeachers) on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.
This week Y5 and 6 had their first PE lessons with Mr Flint, our sports coach. The children practiced and improved their skills of striking and throwing. Next week, the 3rd of May, Y5 will be going to an athletics festival at TCS to further practice their sporting skills.
In literacy, we skeleton planned our magical stories and began writing them on Thursday. We are trialing something a little different which includes 1:1 conferencing sessions throughout the whole lesson. This seemed to worked really well on Thursday and so we will be using this format again on Monday.
In maths, we have been as busy as ever revising fractions, area and perimeter and percentages of amounts. Stay tuned for our new maths game next week which Mrs Dunn has called 'Maths Pick and Mix'.
SPAG and reading have involved treasure hunts around the school - a fun way to revise some of these tricky concepts!
Year 5 have been working on a mini topic unit about natural disasters. They have been focusing on volcanoes and we cant wait for them to share their knowledge with the rest of the Year 6 children.
In Science, the children have been investigating sound using instruments. They have looked at how sounds are made, different pitches and volumes and all about vibrations. Take a look at our photos!
We hope you have an extra enjoyable weekend with an extra day off and we look forward to a short but busy week 3, next week!