Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  2. Pioneers / Inventors Archive

Pioneers / Inventors Archive



15th - 19th May

Posted: May 21, 2017 by: Teachers (BishopTeachers) on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.

We have enjoyed an out of this world week in the Pioneers and Inventors - learning all about space!

Our maths lesson involved working with positive and negative numbers, finding out interesting maths facts about space and rounding numbers associated with planets.

For literacy, the children worked in groups to brainstorm language and ideas about their own planet. They then worked independently to write their own Trip Advisor review of their planet. As a result, some excellent pieces of writing were produced.

In Science, we focused on the relationship between the earth, sun and moon and created a scratch simulation of this relationship which were fantastic! We also investigated shadows and the water cycle.

Art involved using chalk pastels to practice shading skills with the final product being a 3D planet on black card with white stars. The children should be really proud of their efforts.

Finally, we revealed our 2017 production titled, 'Superstan'. The children were fantastic in their auditions and we can't wait to start rehearsing after half term.