Pioneers / Inventors Archive
4th - 8th September 2017
Posted: Sep 8, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.
Welcome back to all the Pioneers and Inventors! We are so happy that everyone has returned back to school well and eager to learn!
Although the first week back, we have had a busy week in Year 5/6.
We started off the week by introducing two exciting, new learning opportunities - Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) and Book World Cup! Adults should have received a letter home this week explaining the objectives of TTRS and an expression of interest for the TTRS lunch club that will be running every Friday (beginning 15th Sep) until half term. We are so pleased with the feedback we have already received and are looking forward to developing this further as a school.
Book World Cup is a competition we have introduced in both classes in order to a select a class book to read for pleasure throughout the term. We started with a list of 16 books and are down to the last four after much discussion and voting. We can't wait to see which book will be selected and start reading it.
This week we have also started work on our new topic, in conjunction with lots of research and writing. Each class came up with their own list of deadly animals and children created a fact sheet about their animal. We then investigated food chains in Science: food chains in general and food chains with our deadly animal as the predator.
In literacy, we worked on a 'Deadly Riddle' about a deadly animal. The children used their excellent writing skills to create a 'Who Am I?' riddle about a deadly animal of their choice. Other children then guessed what the animal could be from the clues given. It was a wonderful way for the children to showcase their writing and SPAG skills.
In maths, we have started the term investigating place value with a big emphasis on problem solving, reasoning and exposing children to a variety of language.
Our year 5 and 6 children also got to spend some time with their buddies and welcome them once again to our school community.
We have had such a positive start to the new school year and are looking forward to more learning opportunities next week!