Pioneers / Inventors Archive
2nd - 6th October 2017
Posted: Oct 6, 2017 by: admin on: What's been happening in Pioneers & Inventors.
This week in the Pioneers and Inventors we have been continuing our focus on the 'Deadly 60'. We watched some scenes from the TV show as a focus on vulnerable and endangered animals which sparked some great discussions and debate. We identified some animals from the deadly 60 lists which are classified as vulnerable or endangered then discussed the factors leading to this classification. Perhaps most importantly, we also discussed ways in which we could help raise awareness or help stop these animals from becoming extinct. This also led into our science learning about adaptation and habitats.
In literacy we have looked at relative clauses, conjunctions and compound adjectives as a SPAG focus within our writing and continued applying this knowledge into our paragraphs. Next week we will begin to edit in depth and write out our finished products, transforming our information into a poster which we will share at the curriculum celebration next half term.
Maths has had a focus on multiplicative reasoning which has included formal methods, estimating, square and cube numbers and inverse operations. Have a look at our photos of inverse graffiti to see how we expressed our knowledge on Thursday.
In PE we have now introduced positions into our games of High-Five Netball which, although for some has been a challenge, has been a positive challenge and showed the children even more skills associated with this game.
Well done to all of year 5 and 6 on a great week!