Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

  2. Pioneers / Inventors 2019/20

What's been happening in Pioneers/Inventors.



  • Years 5 and 6 have started their new Literacy unit inspired by the images in the book 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick'.
  • Pioneers and Inventors thought about the theme of Safer Internet Day 2025: 'Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'.
  • Our brilliant House Captains led assemblies throughout the school today. This is part of Bishop's commitment to develop leadership opportunities for pupils across the school. 
  • Pioneers and Inventors have been investigating how exercise affects our bodies.
  • Year 5 have been learning all about equivalent fractions and decimals this week.
  • Today, Inventors and Pioneers created their own automatons!
  • Following on from our skills lessons the last few weeks, Inventors and Pioneers have begun participating in a handball tournament.
  • Pioneers and Inventors enjoyed listening to our wonderful visitor from the Dog's Trust in workshops today.   Children showed great interactive and listening skills, ensuring that fascinating facts were discovered. 
  • This week we were treated to a fantastic 'Open the Bible' assembly and it was Year 5 and 6's turn to participate!
  • This half term Inventors and Pioneers have been developing their handball skills.
  • Children in Years 5 & 6 have started researching famous impressionist artists in preparation for their own impressionist style paintings later on this half term.
  • Pioneers and Inventors are enjoying their work on their topic this half term: Fairy tales.
  • A very Merry Christmas from all the children in Pioneers and Inventors!
  • The children thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas jumper and Christmas craft morning in Inventors and Pioneers!
  • Children in Years 5/6 spent the day looking at foods from different countries, considering what makes a healthy and varied diet and the seasonality of food.
  • We could not be prouder of our amazing Year 5/6 children after their incredible performances in Peter Pan this week!
  • In our Computing, we have been looking at how we can communicate over the internet.
  • Years 5 and 6 have been working really hard in Geography this half term, looking at how we use different resources around the world.
  • A massive well done to Pioneers and Inventors who enthusiastically took part in our House Competition today!
  • Years 5 and 6 absolutely LOVED their visit from the amazing Courtney Tulloch today.
  • In our lessons this week, we have investigated how energy is distributed to our homes.
  • Inventors and Pioneers had the best time in our fleeting snow flurry this morning!
  • This years Anti-Bullying Week campaign is all about choosing respect and empowering young people to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.
  • In our Literacy lessons this half term, we have started looking at the features of information leaflets and how we can use them to persuade the reader.
  • Following on from our Assembly earlier this week, the children took part in an NSPCC workshop.
  • We are very excited to announce that our Year 5/6 Christmas production this year will be Peter Pan.
  • Ahead of our NSPCC workshop, we had an assembly about speaking out to stay safe.
  • To end our Autumn 1 term, Inventors and Pioneers took part in our Anglo-Saxon and Viking battle day!
  • Year 6 have had the best time on their residential this last week!
  • Pioneers and Inventors have been really excited to add some drama to our historical studies this week!
  • As part of our work about Black History Month, Pioneers and Inventors studied important people from the past.
  • In Literacy lessons this week, Pioneers and Inventors have been studying Anglo-Saxon dragons whilst reading the story ‘Beowulf and the Dragon’.  
  • We have been investigating forces in our Science lessons this half term.
  • Year 6 are incredibly excited about their residential trip to Heatree next week!
  • Aiming to inspire a love of poetry, this years National Poetry Day's theme is 'counting'.
  • A MASSIVE well done to all of our fantastic Year 5 and 6 children who showed such courage when delivering their school council presentations this week!
  • Inventors and Pioneers showed excellent collaboration this week when developing their chronological understanding by ordering key historical events from the Anglo-Saxon and Viking time period.
  • Year 5 have been working really hard on developing their knowledge of factors and multiples in Maths this week.
  • Over this half term, we have been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons in our Topic lessons.
  • Inventors and Pioneers had a wonderful time taking part in the Bounce Off today!
  • In our Science lessons over this half term, we are studying forces.
  • This half term, the children have been developing the skills needed for tag rugby.
  • In our History lessons we have been looking at change and continuity and trying to make links between the time periods we have studied.
  • In our Art lessons this half term, we are looking at using different techniques to create effects and textures within our sketches.
  • A massive welcome back to all our Year 5 & 6 children!
  • We would like to wish our fantastic Year 6 leavers the best of luck on the next steps in their learning journeys and a give them a massive well done on being such super learners!
  • Children and staff in Inventors and Pioneers would like to wish everyone a happy summer holidays!
  • As part of our 'Love Where You Live' topic this half term, children have created poems about the local area.
  • Inventors and Pioneers had their final swimming lesson this week and we ended with a fun float session!
  • It was General Election Day at Bishop today!
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