Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    1. News
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    3. KS2 Sports Day

    KS2 Sports Day

    21 June 2024 (by admin)

    Discoverers, Voyagers, Inventors and Pioneers all took part in KS2 Sports Day.

    It was another glorious day as the children across KS2 took part in our annual Sports Day. They showed so many of our school values as they ran, jumped, slalomed and crawled across the finish lines. The children had a brilliant time and really showed what they are capable of. 

    The results were added to those from our KS1 event to make a grand total. 

    This year's winners are Exe. 

    Congratulations to them and all other house teams for their efforts.