Bishopsteignton Primary School

Cockhaven Close, Bishopsteignton, Devon TQ14 9RJ

01626 775 873

    Bishopsteignton Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Bishopsteignton Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Times Tables Rockstars Battle of the Genders
      Have you heard about our Year 2 children competing along with children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 in our summer TTRS competition?
    • Sports Day Success!
      Thank you to all those that were able to come and celebrate Sports Day with us today. It may have taken two attempts but we got there in the end! The children really enjoyed competing in front of a great crowd and it was a really positive experience.
    • Sports Day Success!
      The Adventurers had lots of fun preparing for this race. Well done to the children for remembering to do their 'dingle dangle scarecrow dance' at the end of their turn!
    • Sports Day!
      Having fun on Sports Day!
    • Curriculum Celebration
      Thank you for coming to our Curriculum Celebration on Friday.
    • Mystery Reader
      Children in KS2 welcome our second mystery reader !
    • Mini-Beast Day!
      The Explorers loved dressing up for our mini-beast day on Tuesday! They had great fun playing mini-beast games inside and outside the classroom!
    • Bounce Off Sponsorship Winners
      In assembly today, Skye and Kayla were awarded their prizes for collecting the most money in our recent Bounce Off sponsorship event. The girls each collected £100 which was the highest total in KS1 and KS2. CONGRATULATIONS!
    • Menu Tasting Session
      During the Curriculum Celebration on Thursday afternoon, parents are also invited into the hall to sample dishes from the lunch menu.
    • Y6 Forest School
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